When asked how her stage name was chosen, Aoi explained: "My agency asked what color I liked. I said blue [aoi in Japanese]. He also asked what I like in general. I said sky [sora in Japanese]. So, he chose Aoi Sora."[1]
In another venue, Aoi was one of several AV actresses asked by a small Japanese publisher to take photographs of themselves as "if the [toy] cameras [were] their boyfriends or undetestable stalkers". The result, Polgasun Aoisora,[29] was warmly received by a reviewer for the journal European Photography, who wrote, "It would appear that in Polgasun she is trying to swap the wretchedness and banality of the pornography genre for intimacy and authenticity."[30]
happy go lucky sora aoi
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Maybe start a new forum about appreciating JAV stars' personalities and musical talents. And write happy encouraging messages. And start crowdfunding to pay their rent or whatever they want their sucker "fans" to do. 2ff7e9595c